Zod Finishing School
Zod Finishing School Established in 2012, has been servicing Schools, Colleges and Educational Institutions mainly in 3 categories – Global Education Services, Training & Workshop and Management Consulting in association with various world class education providers such as Cambridge ESOL, British Council and IDP Australia, QAI UK and Cardiff Metropolitan University.
We offer several finishing touch programs for both students and teachers to enhance their skills in Spoken English, Softskills and Life skills under the Education Service department of ZOD Finishing School .
Our Management consulting division provides an added solution for HR, Branding, Marketing, Quality management and operations to take the organization to the next level of greatness.
We conduct various training programs for the public in different places of Kerala under the division of Training & Workshop. As part of its corporate social responsibility, we organize Free spoken English programs for Public, Campus to Corporate for college students, IELTS & Career Guidance orientation and motivational workshops for both schools and colleges.
helps schools and colleges to organize international English language exams and assessment tests for students associated with Cambridge, ESOL, QAI UK and GETS.
Support region-leaders to deliver world class education
Be the best education supporter in the state.